Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Aarti is a Party!

This is my lovely and talented friend Aarti.

Truly, Aarti is quite lovely, and quite talented. She's a brilliant improviser as well as a brilliant chef. She has taken it upon herself to make her own cooking show to great acclaim. She writes her own blog over at Aartilla the Fun where you can find recipes to try out and drool over. She even works with her ever so lovely and talented husband, Brendan McNamara to host The News Show:

I want you to know about Aarti, because she is doing what she loves, and she is working to make her life nice and abundant from doing so. I also want you to hire her to bake you a cake or something else just as delicious. If you'd like to see an example, check out her blog entry Proud of Myself.

Below is her newest episode of Aarti Paarti Quick Bites. Watch and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. oh honey. thank you so much! this is such a sweet thing to do! thankyou thankyou!!!!!!!

